The PIMD Management Committee has a wealth of experience in the fields of ICT and education and include qualifications in international development, business management and accounting:
The late Dr. Mahesan Kandaiya, President 2004-2019, held a Bachelor of Engineering, Master of Business (e-Business and Communications) and a PhD. He was an accredited Professional Member of the Australian Computer Society (MACS). He had over thirty years experience in the IT industry having worked in Sri Lanka, Australia, and in pan-Asia Pacific roles. His PhD research developed an approach to financial sustainability for nonprofit organisations pursuing social enterprise strategies in the South Asia region including Sri Lanka.
Dr. Donna Vaughan, President (since March 2019), holds a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Law, Masters in Social Science – International Development, and a PhD in Development Studies. She has over twenty years experience in ICT, project management, and management consulting. Donna has also taught in development studies, globalization, political economy, and public policy (post-grad) at the University of New South Wales in Australia. Visit Donna’s Linked In page.
Monica Vaughan, Treasurer, has a Bachelor of Arts and Diploma in Education, over twenty-five years experience in teaching, and ten years experience in business management. Monica also holds a Bachelor of Theology and Post Graduate Diploma in Accounting; she is actively involved in community development within her own locality. Monica plays a key role in our ESL and computer skills project for grades 1 and 2, having developed the curriculum which we are introducing in Sri Lanka.
Judy Hawkes, Secretary has a Bachelor of Arts (Mathematics and Sociology) and over twenty years experience in ICT management and consulting both in the USA and Australia. Judy also works as a volunteer in Indigenous communities in Australia on ICT projects.
Helen McLeod, ESL and Special Education Consultant, has a Bachelor of Arts, Graduate Diploma in Education, and a Masters in Special Education (Sensory Impairment, TESOL). Helen is an experienced teacher and plays a key role in our ESL and computer skills project for grades 1 and 2, including development and delivery of teacher training in Sri Lanka.
Paula Cardenzana, Primary Literacy Consultant, has a Bachelor of Education and Graduate Certificate in Reading Recovery. Together with Emma Cardenzana, Paula has developed the Grade 3-5 Literacy component of the Lotus Program. Paula is a specialist in Reading Recovery and tutors primary grade children in reading and writing in Australia.
Emma Boundy, PIMD Teacher Newsletter Editor and Primary Education Consultant, is a Primary School Teacher with a Bachelor of Education from the University of Sydney. Emma edits the PIMD Newsletter for Teachers in our ICT and Education program for village primary schools and contributes to program design.
Our other founding members are drawn from the ICT industry in Asia Pacific, and the teaching profession in Australia (primary, secondary, tertiary, TESOL and special education).
PIMD adheres to the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) Code of Conduct. The Code sets high standards of corporate governance, public accountability and financial management.
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